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terça-feira, 31 de julho de 2012

THE WAY AHEAD V. 8, N.1, 2012

V. 8, N.1, 2012

2, Presidents Column
2012 SPE President Ganesh Thakur offers bis !unconventional!! views.

3, Whats Ahead
Perspective from TWA’s editor.

5, TWA InterAct
Letters to the editor.

6, TWA Interview
A conversation with Paal Kibsgaard, Schlumberger chief executive officer.

8, Forum
Unconventional oil and gas resources offer new challenges for the industry and great opportunities for young professionals.

11, Tech 101
Extracting gas through desorption in shale reservoirs.

12, Economist’s Corner
University of Houston professor W. John Lee discusses the economics, regulations, and politics surrounding shale.

14, Pillars of the Industry
Kishore K. Mohanty of the University of Texas at Austin and Valerie Jochen of Schlumberger.

18, SPE 101
What the best YP committees are doing now.

19, HR Discussion
Unconventional job hiring for unconventional resources development.

21, Soft Skills
Engage in networking and realize your dream job.

22, YP Newsflash
Coverage ofyoung professionals’ events around the globe.

24, Discover a Career
Opportunities in pelroieum reservoir simulaliDn and 110w assurance.

26, Technical Leaders
An interview with Joe Leimkuhler of Shell and Greg Leveille of Conocophillips on unconventional resources development.

29, YPCC Update
Be a part of the YP revolution.

30, A YPs Guide to...
What it is like to live and work in Stavanger, Norway.

32, Your Best Shot
Readers submit their best on-the-job photos.

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